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2020 Water and Wastewater
Rate Cost of Service Study

The Mariposa Public Utility District (District) retained Bartle Wells Associates to develop a financial plan and cost of service study for water and wastewater rates to ensure financial stability over the next five years.  The District's last rate increase was in 2018. 


Public Hearing

   Proposition 218 Notification

   Date:  Monday, November 30, 2020

   Time:  6:30 p.m.

   Location:  MPUD Fire Station #1, 5273 State Highway 49 North, Mariposa, California (across from DMV)


To Protest This Change

  1. Notify the district in writing (Mariposa Public Utility District, P.O. Box 494, Mariposa, CA  95338) prior to the close of the November 30, 2020 public hearing that you oppose the proposed increase to either the water rates, wastewater rates, or both.  You must identify the  property affected by the proposed rates and the property owner must sign the written protest.  OR

  2. Attend the November 30, 2020, public hearing at the time and place identified above and submit a written protest before the close of the public hearing.


District Contact Information

Mariposa Public Utility District

4992 7th Street

P.O. Box 494

Mariposa CA 95338

Office Phone:  (209) 966-2515  Fax: (209) 966-6615


Office Hours:

Monday- Thursday: 8am-5pm Friday 8am-4pm

Closed for lunch from 12-1


After-Hour Emergency Contact


Water and Wastewater services




For Fire emergencies, dial 911

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